IW Goal Setting Sheet

Setting goals is an easy task if you know how.  What we would like you to do is sit somewhere quiet and think about what you would like to achieve.  It might be that you would like to rid yourself of “bad” debt within the next 12 months (more on bad debt a little later) or you might want to save for that long overdue holiday or it might be saving for new car or a deposit on a house.  Whatever it is the point of writing down your goals is to have a clear picture of exactly what you want to accomplish. 

So the first step is to think about your goals and what you want to achieve.  The second step is to write them down.  And the third and most important step is to put a plan in place to achieve your goals.   

Your goal may be to save $5,000 or more in the next 12 months.  Do you know how much you need to save each week to achieve this? Do you know what you need to “sacrifice” to achieve this?

You can download our Goal Setting Sheet here.

Pauline Smith